A herd of sheep standing in a grassy field.
John and Anna Booth

Youngstock Rearing and Office

Anna manages calf rearing, keeps the farm office in order, and ensures everything is tidy after the cows. With a keen eye for detail, she balances hands-on work and organisation seamlessly.

Favourite Cow: Nell

John Booth

Dairy Farmer

John oversees operations at Rhual Dairy, starting his mornings in the milking parlour and often spending afternoons in the workshop. His practical expertise ensures the farm runs efficiently.

Favourite Cow: Rusty



Aled handles the afternoon milking and is often out crossing the cows or checking on stock in the fields during the summer. His care and attention to the herd are second to none.

Favourite Cow: Mollie


Tractor Driver

Known for his flashing lights and dedication, John is often spotted driving the tractor up and down the road. Don’t forget to give him a wave when you see him!

Favourite Tractor: New Holland 6070

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